Session Lager

Session premium Lager ABV 5.1% – Golden light color like a most American lagers. The scent is almost nothing other then you scan tell its a light beer. The flavor is light and refreshing not bitter at all and almost no hops flavor at all. It’s not my kind of lager or beer at that. If I want a lager I want something darker an bolder and if I want a light beer ill drink a tecate or another Mexican beer. I wouldn’t buy this session again



Redd’s Apple Ale

Redd’s Apple Ale – ABV 5% – The color is somewhat like a light apple cider. the flavors are like a apple champagne. the flavor lacks the bitterness that most apple ciders. It is cool and crisp like a miller light with apple cider. A very light crisp consistency. This is a nice break from just beer. It is tasty and I would buy it again I give it a 3.5 out of 5



Lagunitas Tap take over 4-18-13

Lagunitas Waldo – American double, imperial IPA – ABV 9.2% – a very dark golden amber color. Nice white head with white lacing. A strong hops scent. The taste is is very smooth and strong. It is hoppy but in a smooth way. Hints of floral citrus flavors.


Lagunitas Sonoma county stout– ABV 9.2% -the scent is of a sour ale, very floral. The color is dark black with a brown head and almost no lacing. The flavor is a light sour with roasted malts. The smokey flavor fades quickly. I find it more bitter then I thought I would and this is nothing like anything else I’ve ever had. It smells way stronger then it tastes. It is a good beer I give it 4 out of 5


Wilco Tango Foxtrot –
American strong ale – ABV 7.83%
The color is a dark brown with a thick white head. The scent is very hoppy like an IPA. The taste is very hoppy but a sting brown ale flavor. I would classify this as a imperial brown ale. It is a thick ale. It is a very good ale! I give this 4.7 out of 5


New Belgium Lips of Faith Cascara Quad

New Belgium Lips of Faith Cascara Quad Ale brewed with Date with Coffee cherries added – ABV 10% – the color is brown with a tan head and a light lacing that washes away quickly. The scent is just of a ale with light hops. The flavor is refreshing with sweet taste of the dates and coffee cherries they make for a bold and sweet flavor together. It also is tart and bold on the back end. It is a little heavy in the mouth.



New Belgium Lips of faith- La Folie 2013 sour brown ale

New Belgium Lips of faith- La Folie 2013 sour brown ale – ABV 7%
Brown color with a light brown lacing. The scent is a sour. A strong sour flavor, before the sour flavor hits you a malty flavor of a brown ale is there. It is a little light consistency wise. I would say this is a top notch sour ale that fits in well this the lips of faith series.
