Stone Enjoy by 04-01-13 Double IPA

Stone Enjoy by 04-01-13 Double IPA ABV 9.4%
Color is light golden yellow. The scent is very hoppy but sweet smelling. The taste is very hoppy but in a elegant pungent way. Not over powering hops flavor like the drake was and the back end sweet like champagne.



Drake’s Hopocalypse white and black label

Drake’s Hopocalypse white label Double IPA – ABV 9.5% – A dark amber color, only light can be seen threw the beer. It has a thick white head and consistent white lacing The smell is of extremely strong hops. The taste is very very like you would expect from a double IPA, strong hops and roasted mals. It is a very strong ale and very good a must have every year. It is much lighter then the black label. It is much thinner in the the mouth then the black label also but is a great double IPA



Drake’s Hopocalypse Black Label Triple IPA ABV 12.5%
The smell is very strong of hops. The flavor is very strong with hops and roasted malts. The consistency is almost syrupy. Color is a dark orange almost Amber with a thick whitehead. It has a white consistent lacing. It’s the only beer that I have had that reminds me of the dogfishhead 120 minute IPA


Snowshoe Apricot Wheat Ale and Grizzly Brown ale


Snowshoe Apricot Wheat Ale – ABV 4.9%
The color is a light bright golden orange. The scent is of fresh cut apricots it is a bold scent. Flavors of fresh cut apricots and wheat blended perfectly. I have had a couple apricot ales and a apricot wizen and they tasted like apricot but not fresh cut apricot like this one. This is a great fruit ale with a crisp finish. I got a 1/2 gallon growler of this beer at the brewery on the way home from our yearly snow trip. The brewery is 3 hour drive from my house in Arnold, CA but is now a favorite of mine.



Snowshoe Grizzly Brown Ale – ABV 5.6%
The color is a very dark brown with a brown head. The scent is of rich chocolate and malts. The flavor is sweet with chocolate and malts. It is thick but goes down smooth. This is an amazing brown ale and a new favorite. I got a 1/2 gallon growler of this ale also.



Dogfish Head 75 minute IPA & Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale

Dogfish Head Indian brown Ale – A clean, well hopped brown ale brewed with Carmamelized sugar and hopped liberally and often- ABV 7.2% – Color is is black with a brown lacing. The flavor is smokey and taste similar to a porter. It has a sweet sugar back end with licorice tones. I was very impressed with this ale very happy to have found it.


Dogfish Head 75 Minute IPA – A Bottle conditioned India Pale Ale with maple syrup – ABV 7.5%- a dark golden almost brown color, very hoppy scent, hop flavor but not as strong as the 120 and it drinks like. IPA not like a Coniac like the 120 minutes it is a very tasty smooth IPA. This is a great IPA


Pliny the Elder

Pliny the Elder – ABV 8%

Color is dark amber color with a thin white lacing. A hoppy smell. The flavor is packed with hops but extremely smooth. It’s surprising how strong it is but Mellow at the same time. This an amazing brew well worth the time spent to find a bottle


This is a great beer truly a new favorite of mine now.

Shock Top Honeycrisp Apple Wheat

Shock Top Honeycrisp Apple Wheat – Belgian style wheat ale brewed with cider and spices with natural Honeycrisp apple flavor and other natural flavor- ABV 5.2%

As soon as I popped the cap on the bottle I could smell the apples. The scent of the beer is heavy of apples and smells like apple cider. The color is light golden and cloudy, white thin lacing that disappears quickly. The flavor is heavy of apples and spices like a apple cider but light of a wheat beer but nothing like the white ale style regular shock top is. The consistency is very thin. It is a good beer but the cider focus was a little too much for me and felt more like a cider then a beer


I am not a fan of the Shock top company so far they have just seems they made shock top to compete with blue moon and now they produce beers for the main stream and its only about money and marketing not the brew itself but that is just my opinion